Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Blog #3 Supreme Court

                                             The Supreme Court


If I were to write this post before watching the videos on the supreme court I would have absolutely nothing to tell you. Maybe a few facts like they take charge in making rules and passing trials and problems but the things I just learned are beyond my knowledge about the supreme court im glad im now educated on the supreme court because I never truly knew how important they are and how serious they take their role in being a part of the supreme court. 

How have the videos changed my point of view on the supreme court? 

I used to think the supreme court was a bunch of strict white men passing new rules on stupid things the world didn't really need. But the way these videos changed my view on the supreme court was how the justices at the time were explaining how important their job is and how much they like doing what they do and how all of the justices have respect for one another even if they aren't on the same page at the end of the day they respect each other's opinions. I always saw them as mean and not understanding one another due to different views on certain topics, but their respect for one another really made my view change about the supreme court. Before each oral argument, each justice shakes one another's hand before a debate which again is a great representation of respect that I like to see in politics specifically. 

What did I learn about the supreme court that I didn't already know? 

I actually truly learned a lot which im glad I did because I had zero knowledge of the supreme court. I learned that the supreme court interprets a 200-year-old constitution to safeguard liberty, preserve the union, and uphold the rule of law. (Which was found in the video) I know that should be common logic, but the way the video was worded just clicked in my brain better about understanding what the supreme court was. Another thing I learned was that the supreme court receives more than a hundred new cases every week and that's about 7,000 new cases a year, which is an extreme overload of work to me. That is insane that get this many numbers of cases but it takes so long to even go over them or even talk about them because they have so much other work to do. The last thing I learned that should be common knowledge is that many people called the 14th amendment the second bill of rights. I truly never knew this but now I do because I remember talking about it in class and I always wondered why people called it the second bill of rights and now I do.

What was the most surprising thing I learned?

The most surprising thing I learned was that in order to solve problems people have to send in a problem and then the supreme court goes over that problem eventually. I always thought that the supreme court could solve problems in the U.S. without having to hear from the people first. In my opinion, it is really good to hear from the people first about a problem rather than letting a whole group try and figure out a problem by themselves without first hearing about it from the public. Another surprising thing I learned was that when working for the supreme court can be a very intense first 3 years working there, and then I found out that you'll be working there for 16 years which is mind-blowing to me, imagine being in charge of problems for 16 years. I would simply stress out every single day of my life until those 16 years were up.  Lastly, another surprising thing I learned was that one of the justices came up with this system and it was simply that in order to talk again during a debate or argument everyone has to speak once for that person to again speak again. This is a really good way to hear other people's opinions before voicing your own again it gives people time to see what side they are on. 

The most important takeaway!!!

The most important takeaway point about the supreme court is that they are in charge of a lot of things and have busy days and are very confident people to be able to stand up and have an argument with lots of different people having different views, which can be challenging at time but they find a way to make it work and they love what they do. I will never underestimate the supreme court ever again now learning what they do and will have to do for a very long time made me gain a lot of respect for what they do for a living and im glad we have a supreme court to go over the world problems we were facing every single day. 

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