Thursday, April 6, 2023

Blog Post #4 Eight Values of Free Expression

                            Eight Values of Free Expression


Before our lecture about the 8 values of free expression, I knew nothing about it like I do now.  Free expression is a major part of being American and being able to voice our own opinions. Which is super important to have as an American. The definition of free expression is that it protects your rights to hold your opinions and express them freely without government interference. Examples of free speech are like writing a book writing whatever you want to say, making a podcast saying whatever your heart wants to there are lots of examples of free speech, and it's super important that we have the ability to say what we want in today's society. All of our 8  base values of free expression are super important because they are key to our fundamental human rights. When looking and reading over the 8 values, the one I connected with the most was individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization. 


                                                What is Self Fulfillment/ Self Actualization?

Self-fulfillment or self-actualization is a concept where free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity and in the process find kindred spirits. Freedom of speech thus becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency, and autonomy. (Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech)The purpose of self-fulfillment of self-actualization is to encourage individuals to let their voices be heard and to pursue whatever in life they want without government interference. I truly believe this is the most important base of free expression because it allows people to be themselves and pursue the goes that their heart wants them to do without fearing interference.

                                                           Values of Free Expression

The value of free expression is to voice your opinions without fearing the fact you may get in trouble or face government interference. But with free expression, you won't get in trouble at all. Voicing your opinions and believing in what you want to believe in is free expression. I think free expression is super important to have because it truly brings out the true side of people allowing them to be themselves and voice their interests and goals is such an important thing to do and want to express to the world without feeling all balled up with emotions holding who you truly are back from the world which is an awful feeling. I like that I can be who I want to be, and believe in what I want without the government up my butt. Yes, you may have different beliefs from others but that's okay everyone is different in this world but at the end of the day, we all share the value of free expression. Another great part about self-fulfillment is that everyone over 18 can participate in voicing their opinions in the election and this allows individuals to contribute to the growth and development of our society.

                                     The Importance of Self-Fulfillment/ Self Actualization

Self Fulfillment requires us individuals to step outside of our comfort zone to make a change and an impact on the world. Which thus can be hard to do for most considering there are risks to it due to criticism of people's beliefs and opinions. But with the use of free speech, we can learn from others side of their own opinions and beliefs even if we may not believe in them or like them we can gain knowledge from one another's opinions. This demonstrates having all of our voices being heard and the power that our voices have. This is something truly really to have again being heard and voicing what you want to say is so important because how else are things going to change if people don't voice their own opinions. It is a key essential to have free speech n this world in order for things to happen. 


Overall free speech and self-fulfillment/ self actualization is such an essential to have in today's society being there are truly lots of things going on that people need to talk about and voice their opinions on. And if we didn't have the freedom of speech life would be a lot different and people would just have to deal with what is happening and I feel like there would be a lot more violence in the world if there was no free speech. I think it's super important to be yourself and believe in what you want to but also giving it I feel is super important because it may gain knowledge of others and then they may believe in it. It is a form of freedom and happiness that comes with free speech and self-fulfillment and self-actualization.  

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