Monday, March 20, 2023

Blog Post #1: Top 5 News Sources

 When it comes to the news, I usually hear about it from my parents or watch the news occasionally with my parents since it's always on in my household. I usually don't go out of my way to look at the news or read about it unless it is super important and a lot of people are talking about it or its news that interests my personal interests like celebrity news or sports news. Im a huge fan of reading celebrity drama and anything sports-related happening in the world. 

TikTok is one of the sources I use daily to learn what's happening in the world or just to relax and watch funny videos. TikTok is a great source for my personal interests, including fashion, makeup, and celebrity drama. It is so simple to find information by just searching it up and watching many different videos on a topic you want to learn more about. TikTok also has a feature where it shows you videos of your personal interests called a for you page, so my whole page is filled with fashion and celebrity news. But TikTok doesn't just have fashion and celebrity news they have everything you want to learn more about or read about like politics, sports, food and so much more. I love watching makeup reviews or book reviews which is a great video source to have when trying to find good makeup or a good book to see if it's worth buying which is super helpful. 

I have an iPhone which automatically has Apple News on it. Every day probably 10 times a day I receive a news update notification on basically everything happening during the day or updates on current events. Anything from politics to celebrities dying to nutrition and so much more. I'll be in class and see the little news notification pop up and read the first sentence and instantly im wanting to keep reading it's so interesting. This is why I believe apple news is such a wonderful source it grabs people's attention and wants them to read more and, then they become educated. You don't have to wait to get a notification on your phone to read the news, you can go on the app and read up on what's going on in the world or whatever interests you. They have lots to choose from including top stories going on around the world and in the U.S. which is super useful instead of manually having to look up news. 

Time Magazine has been one of my favorite sources ever since I was a teen I begged my mom to buy these magazines so I could read up on everything the world was going through. It had so much information on everything you could possibly think of. Time magazine has such a variety of what they publish from the images above I show you 3 of the different types of articles they publish and talk about. All are so different but yet they are all so empowering to read. When I would read Time magazine I felt so educated after reading an article in the magazine. I just loved how they would write it inspired me so much as a journalism major. The information written in these magazines I believe is a reliable source coming from beyond amazing writers. I think this magazine educates people on what the world is going through altogether and what people want to read the most. 

Daily Mail is one of my favorite sources which I know isn't a good reliable source but I love reading it every day. When I wake up this is the first thing I read which happens to appear on my Snapchat so it's super easy to find in the discover tab. It contains celebrity drama, upcoming award ceremony winners and how it went, fashion, actual news, and politics as well. This source is mainly just for my interests but if you like reading about the drama going on in the world this is the source for you. One thing I really love about Daily Mail is that it updates every day and has about 20 different articles to read about that can either appear on your Snapchat or by going to the Daily Mail website. I find it super cool that it's a fun daily read I can participate in and enjoy reading. Going back to when I said some things aren't very reliable this refers to some of the celebrity articles from TMZ being posted in Daily Mail which TMZ isn't a good source to read about celebrities, it's most likely to be not true. I still love to read it though. I would say the politics and current events in Daily Mail are reliable information because it is top news going on and happening currently so lots of sources are talking about the same thing.

Fox News is one of my top sources due to growing up watching it with my parents it just stuck with me and I enjoy listening to and watching it. Fox News is known as a more conservative news channel than the rest so I would say it fits my beliefs as well as my family's so we tend to watch it more than the other news channels. In my opinion, I think Fox News is more straight up with their news than others just by the way they deliver their news which is another reason why I like Fox News. Fox News provides news from all over and top stories that have everyone talking and wanting to know more. But overall Fox News provides daily updates on the world and you get other broadcasters' opinions about what's going on which is why I like this news channel more. I like that they give their own opinions on current events. Fox News is a great source for weather, politics, and current events happening today. 

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