Friday, April 7, 2023

Blog #6 AntiWar


When looking at the websites listed in the blog prompt, I noticed I'd never seen them before or knew such websites existed for people to read.  When reading through these websites the articles listed are based on what's happening n the world that no one really talks about or doesn't want other people to read or find out information about which is an example of censorship. 

What is censorship?

Censorship is when the government blocks out certain things for people to see, like news, books, and even movies. Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship is used daily to censor ourselves from actually talking about what's really going on in the world which is really frustrating at times when you just want straight-up news. I've also seen censorship in youtube videos where some creators get their videos taken down for talking about their beliefs and opinions on certain topics which I personally think that's really messed up. The thing about censorship is that the people controlling it generally think that it is protecting us from reality which in reality is just making us more scared and eager to find out what's going on. and The American Conservative

When visiting this website I found it very interesting that on the AntiWar page, you can read articles from all over the world knowing what's going on in their country which is super interesting and I don't think I've ever seen this before. In our mainstream news today we don't really talk about other countries as much unless it affects the United States in any way or form so I think it's really cool that we can read straight-up articles about other countries. Another interesting thing about these websites is that the writers are very straight up and say what they which I enjoyed reading because it taught me a lot about what's actually going on and things, I never knew about even after watching the mainstream news. 

Reasons Why I've Never Seen Websites Like These
The main reason is definitely censorship but thinking about why I have to dig so much to hear strong anti-war voices is a tough one because it really shouldn't be that hard to get good straight up information but in today's world it is and that's so frustrating to not actually know what's going on and I truly think websites like these should be explored more and talked about, or because I genuinely enjoyed reading them and learned so much from them that I healthier super useful. I know these websites won't be praised due to censorship but I wish more people knew about them to fully get educated on certain topics. 

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