Sunday, April 23, 2023

Blog #7- Age Of A.I

                                                                            Age Of A.I

After watching "In the Age of A.I.", I learned lots of new information I never knew before about A.I.  One thing I didn't know but now know is that A.I. was a computer-generated coded software that pulls information from the entire internet and uses that code to pick information based on what you want to know and translate it to a human form of language.  A.I. just got introduced to me and I still am confused about why we have it and what it is capable of which is scary to think about, but I also think it's a great source to use if needing help. 

                                                                                      The part in the documentary that stood out to me was when this amazing Go player who won lots of championships where he was from game to this event where he had to go against an A.I. The A.I. was made by Google and they wanted to test if an A.I. could beat a professional Go player. In the end, the score was 1-3 the A.I. defeated the professional Go player. What was really scary about this was that everyone now knew that computers were smarter than human in the game Go and this made people question how much does an A.I. actually know. This also questioned how an A.I. knows what to do and for it to think for itself how does it know what to do and how to do it. It's beyond crazy to me how smart A.I. is and is scary to think about what is to come in the future.

What frightens me about the use of A.I. is how it knows all of the information you ask it. It's like Google or Alexa but knows way more and is so much more advanced. When using A.I. help when asking a question the feedback you get to your question is insane and makes people understand it more than just reading it off of Google, it changes up the words for you to understand it better. Another reason A.I. scares me so much that is it is such a strong source to use to find out certain information quickly. People aren't really needed for their jobs if A.I. knows the answer to everything years of research could just be looked up and figured out within seconds with the use of A.I. which is even scarier to think about how much power A.I. has on the world. 

    I have so many questions about A.I. and what it exactly is, I recently just found out about this new A.I. website that everyone is talking about and making such a big deal about. This website is called Chatgpt and is used to get information fast without having to look it up. Convenient yes but in school not really Chatgpt is so advanced in the information if gives you back you could ask it absolutely anything and it could tell you which is insane it's better than Google and smarter. But recently teens have been misusing Chatgpt on homework and paper getting caught cheating which is why teachers are making such a big deal about the new uses of A.I. technology yes, in my opinion, I wouldn't want kids to just cheat on the work but actually try and do it. I still love the idea of Chatgpt but I honestly think teens are just going to use it to cheat which is why teens are so into A.I. right now not because of its design of it but what it actually offers to us teens and what we can use from it. 

My last thought about A.I. is the security side of it and my concerns foe where the information we look upon an A.I. or using an A.I. does. When using websites like Chatgpt O happen to wonder if people can ever see what I look up and what if I were to look up something life-threatening to the world what would happen yes national security might bust through my door but do people ever wonder where information goes when using A.I. "However, the use of generative AI raises significant privacy concerns, as companies that develop these tools may collect and analyze the data entered by users as prompts. Users may enter a wide range of information as prompts, including personal information, images, and other sensitive data".
Overall the privacy concern is a big controversial thing and will still be continued to be talked about. The use of A.I. I see is a smart choice in having but who knows what will come in the future. 

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